Monday, April 30, 2007


Damn, that was good.

2 purses from bags, leather, one black one brown, different bags. I have been in a purse crisis for literally years. I usually go for fun ones that are fun for about a week, and then I'm stuck with the hideous thing. This time I found just the right balance of classic and fun and decent price, so that should do it. If I can figure out a way to put pics in this thing, I'll be sure to do that.

Then, I figured since I had new purses, I needed cute clothes to go with, right??? I swear, I have purged my wardrobe down to a few pathetic t-shirts (all cotton, all v-neck, most kinda long) and NOTHING ELSE. I only have one outfit these days: V-neck, jeans, cute shoes. Done. Sooooo Bored.

But not for long, only have to wait 24-48 hours for order to process from urban outfitters, and then 5-7 days on the shipping, and ... TA-DA! happiness in a box. I love the way freshly delivered packages smell. That warm, kinda dusty, cardboard smell. Then when you open it, there's the plastic and clean cotton smell. I'm grinning from ear to ear just thinking about it.

And apparently the shopping gods were smiling favorably on these transactions because actually gave me free overnight shipping AND five bucks back off my total (I guess cause they're new) and UO was no shipping fees at all. Life is good.

So, at Urban Outfitters, which always strikes me as kinda ironic, because lately they've been more "hippie-granola" than urban, and I mean, you usually find hippies in urban settings, but they look like farmers. But anyway . . .

I picked up flip-flops (dogs ate last of them) 2 for something, tank tops (extra long of course) 2 for something, then I got two of a tube top I've been covetting for weeks. It's blousey and pleated and banded at both ends. One in a pinky buff and another in black. Then I got a navy (also long--alas, I is damn tall) v-neck open back flutter sleeve top/dress. I've been working out so I think I can pull off the open back thing.--I can actually remember being about 12 years old and being aghast at the thought of the existence of back-fatt that my cousin was griping about. But I ain't got none no more!!!! God love YBB>

And. . .. the I moved on to accessories, but not before making a quick stop in the leggings and skinny jeans dept.---I know Sabine, I won't wear them in your presence.---but I had to give it a try. Black, tux style on the black skinny pants and grey on the leggins. he he he

and to cap it off, I rounded up a bunch of necklaces (all super cute) and a tortise looking bangle that's all carved and cute.

I'm so exhausted and thrilled.

I started to venture over to the "home furnishings" and cute shoe area, but then remembered I'm headed off to Dallas in like 2 weeks-ish and will do Ikea and DSW shopping then.

Uber pleased with self and purchases. Cute outfits make me so happy. I'm already picturing how different my life will be with cuter clothes.

I kid, I'm not that twisted.

Nighty-nite all.

PS--wish me luck on my final tomorrow--well, today actually, in like 12 hours, damn I gotta go to bed-- (4 down, 2 to go)--and then NO MORE LAW SCHOOL!!!!!!!!

Sunday, April 29, 2007

O, my god

Have just discoverd, have 15 bucks in checking account, but Visa still loves me.

Will report back with theraputic expenditure.

When all is lost, go shopping.


Thursday, April 19, 2007

Serious Withdrawals

O my god.

I can't take it anymore.

But I can't shop.

O, the agony.

Need more money!!!!!!!!!