Friday, September 15, 2006

This weekend's adventures

So this weekend I'm off to Mag to get my hair cut and hopefully colored. I say hopefully because my hair doesn't seem to want to take color anymore. I must have angered it somehow.

O, and heard Jackson got best of new restaurant in Gambit. Yeah!! Is my favorite, despite what those yahoos on the radio say. They don't know crap. Well, maybe they do know crap. And that's all they know. They can't shut up about Commander's and can't seem to see it for what it has become. The last time I was there (a long long time ago), some girl threw up in her iced tea and covered it with the tablecloth. I was about to be sick as well.

Ugh. Hopefully, they won't repeat their mistakes and acutally try to impress us when they are open again.

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